
Barbell Logic, Inc Announces Air Force Small Business Award

Innovative Fitness Coaching by Barbell Logic to Boost EOD Airmen’s Readiness

Barbell Logic Secures $1.25 Million Contract to Boost Air Force Physical Preparedness

SPRINGFIELD, MISSOURI, USA, February 15, 2023 / — Barbell Logic, Inc has been awarded a $1.25 million contract under the federal Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) program. This significant achievement partners Barbell Logic with Air Force Explosive Ordnance (EOD) Units, whose critical mission is to detect, disarm, and dispose of explosive threats. This partnership aims to enhance the physical fitness and readiness of EOD Airmen, leveraging Barbell Logic’s innovative fitness coaching technology.

Barbell Logic’s proprietary software, TurnKey Coach, is central to this initiative, offering a comprehensive coaching platform and data tracking capabilities. This collaboration is expected to improve physical fitness scores and reduce non-combat-related injuries among Airmen, ultimately enhancing overall mission readiness.

Matt Reynolds, Founder and CEO of Barbell Logic, expressed his enthusiasm for the project: “The opportunity to bring professional strength and conditioning services and education to hundreds of Service Men and Women is truly humbling. I believe this is the first big step to improving the lives and safety of all our service members.”

Founded in 2016, Barbell Logic specializes in online strength and conditioning coaching, connecting professional coaches with clients worldwide. Through TurnKey Coach, Barbell Logic aims to extend its success in the private sector to the military, improving the lives of service members and enhancing their operational capabilities.

The SBIR program, a competitive Federal Research and Development initiative, supports small businesses with commercialization potential, fostering scientific excellence and technological innovation. Eleven Federal agencies, including the Department of Defense, participate in this program, emphasizing its national importance.

For more details on this exciting development, read the full article on EIN Presswire.

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